Google Meet inspect log

Understand users' video-meeting action

As an administrator, you can track video-coming together activity in your system using the Google Meet audit log. For example, you tin can find out when a user starts a meeting, where they're joining meetings from, and who was in a meeting.

Need help during a meeting or for a specific meeting?

You can troubleshoot meetings in real fourth dimension using the Meet quality tool. Go to Track coming together quality and statistics.

Open the Meet audit log

  1. From the Admin console Home page, go to Reports.

  2. On the left, underAudit log, clickGoogle Meet.
  3. (Optional) To customize what information you lot meet, on the right, click Manage columns "". Select the columns that you desire to come across or hideand thenclick Save.

Data you can view

The Google Meet audit log provides the following information:

Data type Description
Date Appointment and time of the event (displayed in your browser's default fourth dimension zone)
Consequence proper name The action that was logged, such as a device (endpoint) leaving a meeting
Event description Details about the action
Meeting code Lawmaking for the meeting, for instance, abc-hexp-tqy. Recurrent meetings have the same coming together code.
Participant identifiers

Information virtually coming together participants. Meet participant identifiers.

Annotation: Participants who use a phone for sound and a dissever device for video are listed twice in the activity logs: once for their video connection and once for their phone connection.

Participant identifiers

Participant identifiers in the Google Come across inspect log help you lot understand who joined meetings inside and exterior your organization (internal and external meetings). Depending on the participant and meeting type, data in the log might be:

  • Shown as clear text—Displayed as unmasked, readable text.
  • Obscured—Displayed with asterisks (*) to mask the information. For example, an obscured e-mail address might include these characters:  li***@due south***.com.
  • Not shown—Information that's not displayed in the log.

The following table shows the participant identifiers available in the log. It likewise helps you understand what's bachelor to other organizations when people from your system join in their meetings.

Identifier Information available for participants
Phone number Obscured for all

Email & device ID

  • Internal & external participants in your system'due south meetings: Shown as clear text
  • External participants in external meetings: Obscured
Proper noun Shown as articulate text for all

Country, region, and IP accost

  • Internal participants in your system'due south meetings: Shown every bit clear text
  • External participants in whatever meeting: Not shown

Organizer email

  • Organizers of meetings inside your organization: Shown as clear text
  • Organizers of meetings exterior your arrangement: Obscured

Notation: When the participant is an anonymous user, the Participant identifier field is blank and the Participant Name field will accept the name submitted past the user.

Filter by Activity name

At Add a filter, select an Activity name to filter information for that outcome. The audit log shows entries for each time that effect occurred during the specified fourth dimension range.

Activity name Description
Abuse report submitted

Details on participants who report calumniating behavior, including a description of the corruption. You might also get the email address or phone number of removed and reported participants.

Notation: If the participant was removed and there is no description of corruption, you will not get log data.

Endpoint left
The endpoint left a video meeting.
Livestream watched The viewer watched a livestream of a meeting on view page.

Consequence names

About consequence names are self-explanatory. However, you might get more detailed entries, such as:

Action proper name Description
Network congestion ratio Percent of fourth dimension that the network prevented a device from sending higher-quality video due to bereft or unstable bandwidth, such every bit loftier or unstable jitter. Watch this metric to observe network regression in your organization.
Jitter Variation of the latency on packets flowing betwixt Google servers and a device in a video meeting. In an ideal network, packets come at a constant interval. In reality, the network introduces a variety of delays, which cause the packets to come at irregular intervals.
Network round trip time Length of time it takes for a packet to travel to Google servers and come back, in milliseconds (ms).
Bitrate Corporeality of audio or video data received or sent, in kilobits per second (KBps).
Estimated download bandwidth or Estimated upload bandwidth Approximate amount of network bandwidth used to send and receive audio, video, and presentation data, in kilobits per 2d (KBps).

Get other Meet information

  • For exact call times, including cost, get to the Voice audit log.
  • Review events and parameters for various types of Google Meet Audit action events using APIs in the Google Workspace Admin SDK.

Related topics

  • Bachelor audit logs
  • Filter & export log data & create alerts

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